Brand Love

How can we survive without love? In everything we do, love is the main ingredient for success.

Love! You say has no place in a work environment. Corporates do encourage facts and numbers when analyzing their brands success. However, all workplaces are meant to have their negative days when their numbers plunge, but what makes any brand stand up and stay on its feet again is the Love employees have towards the brand they work for.

A brand’s lifespan averages between 15 and 20 years depending on how big it is, but what would extend this life expectancy? And what would make a brand grow?

Is it customer loyalty? Maybe supply and demand! These are the obvious answers, however what lies beneath and is at the core for the brand’s sustainability is the love of the employees working within it.

I have worked for the same brand for almost a decade, if I didn’t love the brand, I wouldn’t have treated it as my own and celebrated its successes despite the setbacks along the way.

Now brands compete internationally for ranking highest on employee satisfaction and this is happening for a reason. Growth of anything on this earth starts from within. When employees love the brand they are working for, their love reflects on the outside to reach it’s targeted audience eventually.

Take Amazon for example, Amazon was accused of poor work conditions, they didn’t disregard this fact although their shares were doing very well. They started working on their internal habits to promote employee satisfaction and good working conditions, they even went a step ahead and made it official when they ranked 2nd in the Forbes 2020 best employer review. Ellen DeGeneres is another example, though she was thought of as a people’s person, the complains from her employees smashed her credibility when they went public and now she tries harder than ever to showcase good boss employee relation.

We are living in an age where us, users and consumers, are so powerful such that moral driven initiatives done by any brand would make us fond of it and advocate it regardless of its failure(s). And some of these morals are directly correlated with the value these brands give for the humans working for or with them.

All brands plunge at some point, in fact the bigger the brand, the bigger the scale of its failed experiments, but what keeps it going and puts it back on it feet is the positive sentiments of its very own employees and customers respectively, the numbers and figures are also important but they are not the final straws.

Today we live in a world with more than 500,000 brands worldwide, and approximately 30,000 products are launched every year, imagine the scale of success and failure these brands are exposed to!

I can’t.. can you?

What I am trying to say is, all of these brands and products are launched with proper market analysis, researches, and statistics that provide a lucrative indication for growth and success. Nevertheless, not all of them have brand love growing from within.

In a nutshell, love is the answer for almost everything, even the most corporate environment in the most serious network or a fortune 500 company would not thrive without brand love from the inside which will eventually be reflected to the outside and help it grow.

If at any point you feel you are failing somewhere in your career, or if you feel your company is failing, after you check your numbers and figures, try to turn your attention to the inside and do an internal check, have the employees grew less fond of the brand? Have you yourself grown less fond of the brand? If the answer is yes, then it might be a good idea to lay down these balance sheets and try to bridge connections with the humans behind the brand itself.

Brand love grows