How can we survive without love? In everything we do, love is the main ingredient for success. Love! You say has no place in a work environment. Corporates do encourage facts and numbers when analyzing their brands success. However, all workplaces are meant to have their negative days when theirContinue Reading

Some of us work in organizations, others own SMEs and we always ask ourselves, would I do better somewhere else? Is the ocean bluer on the other side? Dissatisfaction with a job, status, or the way we make a living is becoming more palpable, especially when new business routes areContinue Reading

Qatar has put considerable efforts and investments on its education sector and these efforts have unfolded positively throughout the past few years leading up to occupying the 1st position in ranking for Quality Education in the Arab world and the 4th position worldwide. This is great news for the expandingContinue Reading

I have been asked lately about my thoughts on changing consumers’ perception about adapting and advocating the realization of a smart city. How can consumers get excited about using smart facilities, smart transportation, smart healthcare systems? My answer was without any doubt human is king, and humans are at theContinue Reading

Everybody is seeing those e-scooters and e-bicycles located all over “The Pearl” and “West Bay” area. I see people downloading apps trying to crack the codes to be able to drive these cool vehicles complementing public transportation to see places they used to always see but now from a differentContinue Reading

We start our emails by saying “Thank you for your time” or “Thank you for your reply” or “Thank you for highlighting this point”. We even end them by saying “Thank you”. A lot of THANK YOUs are thrown in, at the beginning and towards the end of our internalContinue Reading

Nothing is perfect, this is something we all agree on, but in our societies, we always tend to hide these imperfections and focus on what looks good by standards which we have no clue who set them in the first place. Something that I have been spoon fed by theContinue Reading

Put down your tablet please!  Siri doesn’t answer such questions!  why do you keep on watching such shows all the time? Aren’t you bored? How do you manage to always find silly shows all the time! I think these questions are familiar to everyone who has kids born and raisedContinue Reading

Born in 1983, I have had the opportunity to go through the whole digital transformation boom starting from these commodore computers to MSN messenger, floppy disks, to digitalization of learning, currency and social life, and finally reaching now to the nanotechnology revolution. It is quite amusing to have been throughContinue Reading