Life with IoT

Everybody is seeing those e-scooters and e-bicycles located all over “The Pearl” and “West Bay” area.

I see people downloading apps trying to crack the codes to be able to drive these cool vehicles complementing public transportation to see places they used to always see but now from a different perspective.

I see people excited about the very 1st thing they were worried about and getting full grab of the concept of IoT.

I see possibilities of a future we were all skeptical about. It is full, not only of smart computer or mobile devices, but of smart things. In fact we are estimated to that from this year forward only one third of the devices connected to the internet will be computer and mobile, the bigger portion is households, terminals, machinery, etc.

The more we are getting integrated into this digital era, the better Things are falling into the international digital development plan.

IoT is the concept of moving physical things we use in our everyday lives and connecting them to the internet to give them a history, a story and maybe a sense of life that would make them more fluidly attractive. And guess what!! They are very attractive.

Food and grocery supply chains are undergoing digital evolution! Imagine your grocery shopping going to the next level where you can tell when did the cow produce the milk you are buying and when was it put on the shelves by simply scanning a QR code.

IoT is even transforming the future of agriculture. Imagine being able to understand in which country the apples were picked and on which date, by which farm and when they were transported by the plane simply by scanning the QR code of the Apple Juice labl you are buying.

Imagine us being able to understand where garments were made and how designer got inspired though IoT.

Well there is no need to imagine anymore, as it is happening.

The digital future is here, and it is prettier than ever.

All things around us have a birth, lifecycle and an end, a story that they can tell, and now IoT is telling it.

The connection we will have to the items as consumers will be bonding. The loyalty and love we will develop for the brand will be more genuine. Marketing for all thing can be now personalized.

Internet has been developing for over 40 years, but now it is moving forward in times of a pandemic, in times where we need it the most, between our hands!

The feeling of happiness that I get talking about this subject is indescribable.

Internet is now moving faster than ever to things, and developed countries are racing to apply it, with China taking the lead and the US coming second.

Smart parking, Smart transportation, Smart groceries, you name it!

Everything now can be on the internet, things that make our lives easier and, in my opinion, much more personalized and unique.

New businesses are opening, new positions are rising and we ladies and gentlemen are witnessing it, when I was younger I always wished I was born in the 50s to witness the roaring 80s, the inception of the world wide web and the saturation of the aviation industry. But now more than ever I feel lucky to be Xellenial, old enough now to witness and understand the day when things I use have a life and a story to tell.

Let us enjoy this decade, and all what it has to offer, I am sure every job lost will be met with more new opportunities and the human race will only evolve despite the setbacks of the pandemic towards a more tech friendly secured and vivid lifestyle.