Gratitude in Corporate Communication

We start our emails by saying “Thank you for your time” or “Thank you for your reply” or “Thank you for highlighting this point”. We even end them by saying “Thank you”. A lot of THANK YOUs are thrown in, at the beginning and towards the end of our internal and external communication and that’s what we learned in our professional lives, but what will it yield for us?

The positive effect of a gratitude filled communication approach is infinite!

Gratitude in communication is embedded as a base of any professional conduct, it is the main ingredient for respect, empathy and positivity. We always knew that it is kind to show gratitude but what we haven’t learned is that it creates abundance.

How come you might ask?

Gratitude in corporate communication provokes exchange of ideas, exchange of ideas entices decentralization of the ideas, which in turn accelerates the flow of the ideas in our social circle which will further develop it, question it, and surely enhance it with growth results flowing back to us and those around us. Thus, producing abundance.

The concept of abundance is a philosophy that all of us aim for, be it in wealth, in health, in love or anything that we live by. Communicating gratitude strengthens the backbone for abundance in our lives and the lives of those around us as well.

When we communicate gratitude, we trigger the receiver to return gratitude in their communication.

Think about it?!

Let us take the example of being late for a meeting, if we communicate “Thank you for your patience” instead of “Apologies for being late” what is the ripple effect of each phrase?

In the 1st case, our colleagues will communicate appreciation in return, we will then develop more because we simply trust in our abilities, leading the quality of the overall work to develop.

It is a cycle that promotes the flow of abundance and prosperity in a circular manner yielding success back to us and to everyone who contributed around us. And this success all started with communicating gratitude.

Imagine if we communicated gratitude for earning money and spending it –  like the famous Japanese Arigato money technique, we can communicate gratitude for our positions as well, our promotions even our demotions. It is through this continuous communication that will re-wire our minds and the perception of those around us which will lead to the smooth flow of success.

To show gratitude in communication is a practice, something that must be thought of at the beginning of our pursuit for it to become a rule and a habit of abundance in the future.

We shouldn’t blame, shouldn’t withhold communicating our gratitude thinking that it will evaporate to thin air once communicated. We should trust that communicating gratitude will only rebound in the form of success.

Now let us expand this idea and imagine communicating gratitude on social media, press releases,  world wide web, news channels, talk shows, business meetings and the workplace. There is no aggravation due to decreased profits, there is only gratitude for the learning curve the fiscal year enticed, there is no blame for why it didn’t happen rather than gratitude for trying to make it happen.

The results are mind blowing!

It is easier for our minds to seek negativity we are not wired for gratitude, we are rather wired for “I want more”, and I see it in my daughters, those little beings who have not yet experienced many years of life but still attract negative thought instead of grateful ones. Getting over negative mental belief is possible but just needs practice and affirmation, and everything can be achieved with practice and the proper approach in communication.

Let us choose our words, filter in the grateful ones only, and try to make a positive change in our lives and the lives of those around us, the ripple effect will follow to our community, our society, and maybe the globe. It is possible if we simply start changing our mindset by always showing gratitude in our daily communication.